Tribe Simba is a regionally prestigious professional gaming organization established in 2017 formerly known as Simba Ultimate. Since our grassroots beginnings as a CSGO clan, we have grown into other esports communities as well.

Housing some of the top championship-caliber athletes in some of Africa’s finest countries and cultural diversities, Tribe Simba is striving for success. Our collective teams have participated in some of the most renowned esports events in the region. From the likes of Mettlestate, ACGL, EAX just to name a few. Our squads range from Rainbow 6: Siege, Valorant, PUBG-Mobile, Tekken and FIFA; we count among the best in all of them.

More than just an esports team, Tribe Simba is also a media enterprise and a merchandise line production company. From producing some of the most entertaining content in Africa’s gaming internet history to some of the best production line merchandise in the region. With all this at the growing phases of our esports team, Tribe Simba stands at the forefront of a thriving new industry.